Thursday, July 24, 2014

Name Change!

The name that I gave this blog just won't work anymore. This coming school year, I will be changing both grades and districts. I am looking forward to new challenges but it's going to be different. I spent the day planning the layout of my new classroom. My new school is 3 hours away and I won't be moving until late August so my visits will have to be very intentional and productive. My stuff is in scary piles on the desks in the new building but that won't last long. I'll be teaching math to all three groups of 5th graders, plus writing, art and word work to my homeroom kids. I am gathering ideas for this new grade on pinterest and elsewhere. I haven't used pinterest in a while for classrooms and it's a little frustrating to see so many links to worksheets and teacherspayteachers. What I REALLY want are high quality math activities, games and problems. Worsheets? Meh. I have about one month left before I have to be in the building for teacher trainings. In the meantime, I can enjoy summer and start turning my thoughts towards an exciting new year.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Spring Break

We're finishing up spring break and we'll be back in school tomorrow. Sigh. How can a week go by so quickly? It's actually okay. I spent six hours today in my classroom trying to figure out what I'm going to teach in the last three weeks before the MSP. It's crazy. We're testing a year's worth of content in 3 weeks and then we'll have 5 1/2 more weeks of school. Woohoo. I am looking forward to seeing my students though. I just got a donorschoose grant for an iPad and it came during break. I can't wait for my students to try it out! Any suggestions on using one iPad in a classroom would be greatly appreciated.

Fourth Grade Mayhem

I'm inspired by the numerous blogs that are out there created by intrepid teachers journaling their day to day lives in the classroom. There are so many issues, frustrations, wonders and adventures that my students and I face every day and I would love to share a bit of our day to day madness. I hope you enjoy my blog!